
The young Barcelonian soprano Maria Isart (1996) trained from a very young age in the field of performing arts and classical music. It was not until years later that she decided to direct her professional life to do what she loved most, singing. She studied for four years at the Conservatori del Liceu with singing teacher Anna Ollet (2012-2015) while also being part of the Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català (2014-2017). She later studied singing with voice teacher Begoña Alberdi. In 2015 she won the honorable mention in the Sant Cugat International Auditorium Competition. In 2017 she debuted as a soloist in the role of Lisetta in the opera Il convito by Domenico Cimarosa with the company Òpera Jove with which she toured Catalonia. She has been part of other choirs such as the Cor Jove dels Països Catalans, Cor Català with which they toured Russia and the C.H.O.I.R project with which they toured Germany. In 2019 she was the winner of the Lyric Gala competition organized by the Penyafort School.

She has done masterclasses with great singers such as: Mariella Devia, Carlos Álvarez, Àngel Òdena, Heidrun Kordes, Carmen Bustamante, and so on.

She is currently training technically with the Italian soprano Giovanna di Rocco and the  repertoire Josep Buforn.

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